Senin, 19 Maret 2012

Yahoo Vs Gmail.

1.       This is my Gmail and Yahoo! Mail -> ( and )

2.       Sent the email address to your blog (done)

3.       Compare the following about Yahoo and Gmail 

A. The maximum size capacity that gmail give to the email users = 7683 MB.. Gmail offers more than 7 GB of free storage for your messages and attachments
The maximum size capacity that yahoo ! mail give to the email users = Now, Yahoo Email storage capacity is unlimited (from: But, Email attachment limit is 25 MB

B. Do They Have: Inbox chat feature, search bar for sent email, sms chat, phone call, multiple link to social network which can appear in your inbox, mobile version, speed, attachment flexibility and mention what gmail has but yahoo doesn’t and the opposite.

Answer: Yahoo and Gmail also have inbox chat feature, search bar for sent email, sms chat, attachment flexibility but yahoo is more flexibility than gmail.


Yahoo and Gmail can be accessed via the mobile version.
Now, yahoo is 2x faster but I don’t know the speed. I don’t know gmail speed is more than or less than yahoo.
Yahoo has Yahoo ! Phone Out or Yahoo Voice Phone to phone call but you must pay 1¢ for a minute. For free phone call, maybe you just can test a free call
Better than yahoo, Gmail has ‘Call phones from Gmail’ and I think its free for gmail users

Yahoo has multiple link to social network (facebook) which can appear in my inbox. So you can chatting with your friends on Yahoo ! Mail
Gmail has multiple link to social network (Google+) but I think you can chatting only with Gmail users.
Yahoo has unlimited storage but gmail is limited.
You can make an online document from Gmail (Google Doc). But yahoo doesn’t have an application to make an online document.
You can read news from around the world from Gmail and Yahoo !
Gmail has Google Maps but yahoo is doesn't have an application like Google Maps

4.       Do Number 3 in MS. Word and upload the result to google doc and send (done)

5.       Make the document public only for the teacher and student who can see and edit

6.       Sent blank email to and 
7.       Send SMS from Gmail and yahoo (done)

FYI, Open my document in google doc. with your yahoo mail and Gmail.